Sunday, March 17, 2019

super sketching day...spring is on the way!

We had a wonderful gathering for our March sketchcrawl at the Japanese Memorial Cherry Blossom trees. No Cherry trees were actually in bloom yet but we had great sunny weather to sketch the scene that included both the Burnside and Steel Bridges and along the waterfront.

Our group....apologize for the spot in the lower left that partially obscures sketcher Ellie. There was a glare on the screen so I din't notice it until later.

Here are some random sketches showing bridges and across the river views. Please comment if your sketch is shown here. I didn't get everyone's name to give proper credit...thanks.

My contribution was a sketch of Burnside bridge and then wanting to put some color down  I turned to a pillow vendor at the busy Saturday Market.

After lunch at the market I spent some time with Ali at the Lan Su Chinese Garden.....

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