Saturday was spent at OMSI with the Drink and Draw group. Our intention was to sketch in the Sherlock Holmes exhibit but when we met at 1:00 OMSI had posted a sign that they were not taking tickets at that time due to high demand. So, we decided to just hangout there and do some sketching in and around the open areas of the museum.
Initially I was attracted to the 'Sherlock Holmes' vehicle behind the ticket counter but decided to hold off and take advantage of the sunny outside (although there was a slight breeze too).
Ink and Large Pitt pen |
I had been wanting to draw this bridge construction and there was a perfect view of it from the walkway outside of OMSI.
Later I went back inside to tackle the auto driven by Robert Downey Jr. in the movie Sherlock Holmes; A Game of Shadows (2011). Loved the soft curves and accoutrements on the vehicle....old cars are the best!
Ink...two colors because my brown ink ran out |
It was fun and there was a variety to draw but eventually we gave up on getting into the exhibit and retired to a local pub to share and eat.
On Sunday despite the cold temps there was a good crowd of sketchers gathered at the Lan Su was again sunny and that made it bearable to sketch sitting in the sun.
Ink and large Pitt pen |
Ink and large Pitt pen |
I wasn't motivated to get out any color though (and I regret that based on the other sketchers stuff) so these don't really reflect the beautiful scenes so abundant in the garden. Several of the Camillas were in bloom and there was some fragrance from the Wintersweet to enjoy too.