Monday, June 17, 2019

July 20 2019 Sketchcrawl: St Johns Bridge Cathedral Park

Saturday, July 20: South Waterfront Sketchcrawl

To continue our bridge theme for 2019, let's return Cathedral Park and the St Johns Bridge. There is also the Jazz Festival in the afternoon if you want to claim a spot early and stay

This area is easily reached by MAX and bus.  Street parking may be hard to find, so we recommend using public transit.

10:00am - Anna Bananas 8716 N. Lombard 
10:30am - Sketch around Cathedral Park.
12:00 noon - Sketchbook throwndown at Cathedral Park
OPTIONAL sketchbook sharing and lunch at The Sudra 8777N Lombard, vegan Indian.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Yet More Bridges

I joined up with yesterday's sketchcrawl at Reed College.  I started out by heading down to Reed Lake and sketching the bridge from underneath, to get a workout in doing curvy things in perspective.

Then I went on a stroll around the lake, stopping once to do a study of a tree trunk.
I couldn't stay for lunch, but had to run to Union Station. But before my train left I had time for a quick sketch of the pedestrian bridge behind the station.

And then, this afternoon, I had a little bit of time to spare at King Street Station in Seattle.  I wanted to do its pedestrian bridge, but couldn't find a good view of it, so I strolled around the stadium complex.  And found a section of the Alaska Way Viaduct still standing.  With a marvelous little wedge of a historical (unreinforced masonary) building in front of it.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Reed College and Canyon

It was an overcast and slightly chilly morning. The campus is beautiful but locked up tight. Google said the library was open on Saturday, but was also unaware of summer hours so there was a bit of a bathroom snafu. I discovered there are port-a-potties in the Rhododendron Garden parking lot but in the end someone discovered some bathrooms in the lower level of the library that were unlocked. Whew!

Some people went into the canyon while others focused on the buildings.

 A few of us gathered at Gigantic Brewery. The brewery has artists design all their labels for them. They also encourage their patrons to embellish the blank 'G' on the back of their coasters. Glen, Cara, Travis Monica, and I complied. If they like them they put them up on their wall around the window at the bar. I'll go back to check to see if we made the cut.

London Plane Tree on Reed Campus

We had a fun meet-up on the Reed College campus, which holds many memories for me since I grew up nearby and spent many childhood hours exploring the campus and nature preserve.  Today, I was taken with this old London Plane tree that stretches out it limbs in front of the library.  I was about halfway done with my sketch when we met for the throw-down, but went back afterwards and finished up.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Greetings from Lake Michigan

I am doing some serious relaxing with my friend in  South Haven, Michigan on the shore of Lake Michigan.  Strange to be at a lake that looks like an ocean without crashing waves nor whales...
Mostly visiting, taking walks, cooking and eating. Not much sketching.