Monday, November 14, 2016

Machinery Up Close

The once clanging, booming foundry was silent as sketchers concentrated on capturing the relics of the building's industrial past in their sketchbooks.  I focused on the interesting shadows of the machinery.
I used diluted grey ink in a water brush, with a little red watercolor for the signage.
Afterwards, our soft voices discussed the various sketches in the cavernous building.  I think the huge space and massive machinery made us feel small yet not intimidated.  It was a peaceful, fun time with friends.


  1. This close-up on the gear gives such a sense of power. It's really a magnificent study of values.

  2. Great composition Janene! I agree with Vicky, the range of grays are beautiful.

  3. Love how you have created the detail with tone and then used line for the lesser detailed areas. A little switch?
