Sunday, July 6, 2014

Teddy Roosevelt

The 2nd Annual West Coast Urban Sketchers Sketchcrawl is coming up on Friday, July 11 and Saturday, July 12! I went to take a photo of the Teddy Roosevelt statue across from the art museum in the South Park Blocks today, since that is going to be "base camp" for our sketchy adventures on Saturday. Since the baby was in a fine mood to play in the park, I got in this quick sketch of the statue as well.

(My current approach to sketching is a novel variant on the blind contour drawing technique: glance at the page every now and then, but mostly keep my eyes on the baby as I draw. When I decide that she has put quite enough handfuls of dirt into her mouth for this sitting, I put down the pencil. Tah dah! This is how art movements are born, my friends. Hee hee.)

Hope to see y'all at the event! Don't forget to RSVP!

1 comment:

  1. Nice gestural quality to this. I especially like the horse. Like your method of sketching with baby. Of course, another solution is sketching the baby:)
