Tuesday, October 29, 2019

  November 16th : Hawthorne Asylum Food Cart Pod Sketchcrawl


We will be traveling to the East-side to the very intriguing Hawthorne Asylum Food Cart Pod located at 1080 SE Madison St. Read the history at the link below.


Street parking may be difficult.....Transit options are suggested (bus and streetcar).


Sketch by Janene Walkky


10:00am- Meet at Tiny's Coffee South East. 1412 SE 12th, Portland OR
10:30am - Travel to 1080 SE Madison St. Sketch in and around the food cart pod
12:00 noon - Sketchbook throwndown TBD

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Bridge Party

I got up early this morning to walk to Burnside, to join the people milling around waiting to parade up to the new bridge on the Wildwood Trail.  We were led by an honor guard of elders from a few nearby-ish tribes, followed by a marching band (who started with a song called, appropriately enough, 'Walking').

The parade ended with a party under the bridge, with pancakes and coffee.  And no actual access to the bridge itself.  The portions of the trail that used to come down to the roadway have been excised - blocked off, draped in burlap and covered with branches.  So I parked myself underneath the bridge and sketched it from below.

I'm not happy with the result.  But I'm not going to throw it away.  Cause I'll never get another chance sketching from the middle of Burnside.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Fall trees and the Broadway Bridge

Many thanks to the owners of the parking garage for allowing us to use their place for this month's sketchcrawl. And to Deb for arranging it! While some people stayed outside and painted in the sporadic rain, several of us went into the garage where we had views from the upper levels.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Broadway Bridge

Deb had wrangled permission to use the parking garage near the train station.  I found a spot partway up the stairway and did a sketch from there.

By the time I'd finished that, it was dry - sunny even - and I thought I'd chance another one from the pedestrian bridge on other side of the train station.  But, of course, it started raining by the time I got there.  I looked for shelter nearby, and ended up under the bridge, looking up at it.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Lower Macleay Park

Another good turnout for the September sketchcrawl, a little chilly but no rain. I brought a long piece of paper folded into an accordion, but not too long to make it unwieldy.