sketch by Andrea
Let's go back up to OHSU, which we haven't visited since before the pandemic. With luck, there will be great views of the city and mountains. And if we're not lucky, then we'll at least have architecture to sketch. And yet more construction. |
sketch by Vicky
The tram might be the easiest way up the hill, but it's gotten pricey, at $8 for a round trip. There are three buses (8, 43 and 56) that serve Pill Hill. And there might be free parking on top of the hill on weekends.
NOTE: If you want to take the aerial tram up, then you can start here and we'll see you at the top:
South Waterfront Lower Tram Terminal
3303 S Bond Ave, Portland, OR 97239
Or, if you're getting to OHSU by bus or car, you're headed to this address, and just head for the top of the aerial tram.
OHSU Hospital, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR 97239
Pre-sketching caffeination might be, uh, sketchy. If you're coming up the tram you could visit the Starbucks at Tilikum Crossing. The only place at the top of the hill that I could find open on a Saturday was the cafeteria on the third floor of OHSU Hospital. They have coffee, but only in urns.
- 10:00am - meet at the atrium in front of the elevator banks next to the upper tram station.
- Noon - meet at the same place for an optional sketchbook throwdown.