Saturday, May 11, 2013

National Train Day

Wow. The sun comes out in Portland, and the people of the city are eager for action! National Train day at Union Station was packed with folks of all ages. * Híjole. Cuando sale el sol in Portland, ¡la gente de la ciudad esten listos para celebrar! Un montón de gente asistieron el evento celebrando trenes en Union Station.

Pen & watercolor. * Tinta y acuarelas.
The historic steam engine had very long lines to tour the inside. I stayed on the platform and enjoyed the periodic blasts from the steam whistle. * Las colas para explorar adentro de la locomotora histórica eran muy largas. Me quedé en el andén del tren y disfruté de los soplos periodicos del silbato de vapor. 

Pen & watercolor. * Tinta y acuarelas.


  1. Both are excellent but I really like the shading in the steam engine.

  2. I love that powerful steam engine that is ready to just blast off the page! The clock tower really captures the day: blue sky, spring greens, gentle breeze--and even the time. Thanks for another fun day and thanks for helping me work on my espanol:)

  3. Your drawings are always so vibrant.

  4. I agree with Vicky...that steam engine is just ready to shoot out of there and take us somewhere.....!
    Also like the Union Station.... overall a balanced composition. And I am intrigued with your enhanced date and description (wish I could come up with something like that).
