Wednesday, June 20, 2012

#18, #12, #21, #30, #5....a good day!

I went out today to get the bike pile and on the way to Powells from the MAX I noticed a Benson bubbler that I eventually went back to draw. Already the day was looking pretty good. But then......

While in Powells I decided to give myself a little leeway with the 'coffee' on the didn't say 'a cup of coffee' so this has coffee beans, coffee machine and coffee sign.
And then across Burnside was McMenamin's Zeus Cafe......another one down, and then...
food carts at SW 9th and SW Washington

  A very satisfying day of sketching. Nice.


  1. Wow, Deb, you finished a lot of sketches in a small area of town! They're all terrific, but my favorite is the Powell's cafe with the guy concentrating on his laptop. Maybe he's located close to the coffee bar so he can keep up that intense focus. Your composition really pulls that all together.

  2. Thanks Vicky. I really had a great time yesterday (wish you could have joined me) and was amazed at the sketching that was generated by our scavenger hunt list. Ordinarily I would probably have walked around wondering what to draw....and that's OK sometimes too. But yesterday I had a real sense of accomplishment.

  3. Lovely panaorama of the food carts, and I like the angle you used to draw the bike pile as well. (Man, what a daunting thing that will be.) Bravo on whacking out so many drawings in a row, well done!
