Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trinity Episcopal Church Doors

Trinity Episcopal Church, at the corner of 19th and Everett,
across from where the NW Outdoor Market is often held has lovely red doors.  
The three doors around the side are amazing, shocking high-gloss bright red.
I can imagine these doors glow in the dark, if you are visiting the church at night, with their bright happy color illuminated by the overhead lanterns.

Colors used, above, mixed on the page:
Stone is Tigereye, Shungite, and Hematite;
Doors are undercoat with Quin Coral and overbushed with Perylene Red.
Undercoats done in field; overcoats in studio.

1 comment:

  1. I've always liked those doors and this is a really pleasing composition of them. I like the little (splattered?) dots,too.
