Sunday, March 23, 2025

April 19 Sketchcrawl - Architectural Heritage Center

photo by Ben Ariff

The Architectural Heritage Center has generously offered to open early so that we can meet and sketch inside their beautiful space, or outside on the street, weather permitting. 

The non-profit Literary Arts has recently moved into another historic building across the street and opened a bookstore, and the whole area, known as the East Portland-Grand Avenue National Historic District, offers plenty of cool old buildings to draw. The 15 bus, 6 bus, and A line of the streetcar all stop nearby. Portland Coffee Roasters is a few blocks away at 7th & Oak.

  • 10 AM: Meet inside the Architectural Heritage Center (701 SE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97214) for introductions
  • 12 noon: Meet back at AHC for a sketchbook throwdown (optional!)

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Cherry Blossoms at the Waterfront

I was surprised at how many people braved the rain to come and sketch.  Most of us retreated into shelter, but a few stuck it out and actually sketched cherry trees.  (No throw-down though, cause it was too wet to put our sketchbooks down.)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

March 15th SketchCrawl - Japanese American Historical Plaza

sketch by Kalina Wilson

Let's try for cherry blossoms on the waterfront again.  Perhaps we'll catch them in full bloom this year.  Weather permitting, we'll meet at the Japanese American Historical Plaza at the foot of NW Couch at Naito Parkway.   (If it's raining, under the awnings at the Oregon State University Building, directly across Naito)
sketch by Rita Sabler

For coffee and food, there's Floyd's Old Town Coffee, The Society Hotel at NW Davis & 3rd, and the Saturday Market.

  • 10:00 am - Gather and do intros in the central square of the Japanese American  Historical Plaza 
  • 12:00 pm - Gather again at same location for optional sketchbook throwdown

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Central Library

Thank you all for coming out.  We got some wonder sketches.

We're going to try for the waterfront cherry blossoms again in March.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

February 15 Sketchcrawl - Central Library

The snow and ice are supposed to be gone on Saturday.  But just in case, check the library website ( in the morning.  If it's closed, then we'll cancel (obviously), but if it's open then we'll hold it (for whoever can make it in).

sketch by Linda Daily

The library's been remodeled since we were last there, so let's see what it looks like now.  (The architecture hasn't changed, but the furnishings are all new.)

Case Study is across the street, for coffee and snacks.  (We're allowed to bring food and drink into the library.)

The bus mall is a couple blocks away, and there are streetcar and MAX stops within a block or two.  There are 4-hour parking meters some blocks to the south, on the far side of Salmon, and several garages nearby, one of which is kitty-corner from the library.
sketch by Deb Rossi
  • 10am-ish - meet in Conference Room 1B (to the left as you enter) or nearby for introductions
  • noon - meet in the same place for an optional throw-down

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Union Station

We got a surprisingly sunny day, considering that it's January, and many of us found spots in the sun and braved the cold to sketch the outside of the station.  

We even got a guest sketcher, someone waiting to board the Coast Starlight to travel to California, who'd brought her sketchbook to document the trip.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

January 18 Sketchcrawl - Union Station

sketch by Elo Wobig

Let's go back to Union Station.  There'll be people and architecture to sketch inside, and generous awnings for those who prefer to sketch outside.  

For coffee, there's a cafe inside the station, and also Lovejoy Bakers, at 10th and Lovejoy, and Ovation Coffee, at 10th and Overton.

  • 10am - Meet under the awnings outside the main entrance to Union Station
  • 12 noon - Meet again at the same place for an optional throw-down

Monday, December 23, 2024

Lloyd Center

Thanks to everyone for coming out on Saturday.  I was worried for a bit because the skating classes weren't happening and the rink was empty when we showed up.  But they soon opened it up for free skating.  And there were penguins!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

December 21 Sketchcrawl - Lloyd Center

It's starting to become a December tradition to meet at the Lloyd Center, where we can enjoy shelter from the rain and cold, and also sketch some ice skaters and Christmas decorations.

sketch by Derek Beaudoin

There are various coffee and food options in the mall, and a pop-up winter market is scheduled for that weekend, starting at 11.  And Off the Page is putting on an art 'experience' on the second floor, also starting at 11.  You may need to reserve a ticket for this, but it's free.

  • 10am - Meet in the middle of the hall on the second floor near the north entrance, between Barnes and Noble and Forever 21 for introductions.
  • Noon - Meet again at a spot TBD, for an optional sketchbook throwdown.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

PSU Farmers Market

Well, the weather was not nearly as nice as it had been last year.  And the fall color was pretty much gone.  But it didn't rain on us, delaying that until the afternoon.

Thanks to everyone who came out and braved the chill.